Autonomous Beer Pong Opponent

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Project Overview

I am currently working on an automated beer pong opponent for my second capstone project (ENPH 479) as part of a four-person team. Our objective is to design and build a system that can predict the trajectory of a ball thrown toward a “solo cup” and intercept it mid-flight by launching pellets from an airsoft gun. The computer vision system relies on stereo vision using two high-frame-rate FLIR cameras, allowing for real-time 3D trajectory estimation.

I am developing the primary software suite that will integrate the entire system. This includes implementing the camera calibration and the physical setup. I am also working on the motor control algorithms that will move the airsoft gun to accurately and quickly intercept the ball’s trajectory.

Beer Pong Opponent Diagram
System diagram.
Beer Pong Opponent Gun
Testing setup of the airsoft gun.
Beer Pong Opponent Stereo Setup
Our stereo camera setup.